- Generics are the ability to express the behavior of a class by using anonymous types (a.k.a. “formal types”)
- Vocabulary: anonymous types are substituted by effective types when generics are put into practice.
// '.h' file: template <typename T> class LIFO { private: std::list<T> _representation; // '#include <list>' public: bool empty() const; void in(const T&); T out(); // This returns a copy! }; template <typename T> bool LIFO<T>::empty() const { return _representation.empty(); } template <typename T> T LIFO<T>::out() { if (empty()) throw "empty…"; T t = _representation.back(); _representation.pop_back(); return t; } template <typename T> void LIFO<T>::in(const T& t) { _representation.push_back(t); }
// '.cpp' file: class Elephant { std::string _name; public: inline Elephant(std::string name) : _name(name) {} // 'inline' is for convenience only! inline std::string asString() const {return _name;} // 'inline' is for convenience only! }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Elephant Babar("Babar"),Jumbo("Jumbo"); LIFO<Elephant> zoo;;; std::cout << "Jumbo goes out since it is the last-in: " << zoo.out().asString() << std::endl; return 0; }
- C++ Standard Template Library -STL- is rich enough of many generic classes, e.g.,
#include <stack> … std::stack<char> stack_of_characters;
Default generic types and values
- Default effective types or values may be defined using
. At instantiation time, this allows us to avoid listing all effective types and values.- Template non-type parameters are substituted by values (instead of effective types) at instantiation time. A value has an integral or enumeration type. The type is pointer or reference to a class object, pointer or reference to a function, pointer or reference to a class member function or
// At elaboration time: template<typename T,int default_capacity = 10,typename Default_representation = std::vector<T> > class Priority_queue { // '#include <vector>' private: Default_representation _representation; public: Priority_queue(int capacity = default_capacity) : capacity(capacity) { … // At instantiation time: Priority_queue<Task,100,std::deque<Task> > priority_queue; // '#include <deque>'
Generic array
- Generic arrays may be used instead of primitive arrays.
std::vector<char> tab(2); // '#include <vector>' tab[0] = 'a'; tab[1] = 'b'; // tab[2] = 'c'; // Execution error: out of bounds tab.push_back('c'); // OK, capacity has automatically increased
std::vector<std::string> sentence; // '#include <vector>' // Matrix of integers (caution: space required between '>' and '>'!): std::vector<std::vector<int> > matrix; // '#include <vector>'
cumulates the benefit of primitive arrays (fixed sizes) along with the adaptability of STL containers.- Array overflow may be controlled (for reliability)… or not (for performance).
// '.h' file: class Palindrome : public std::string { … public: // Something less than '3' -> compilation "error: excess elements in struct initializer" constexpr static const std::array<char, 3> Special_characters{' ', '\n', '\t'}; … }; // '.cpp' file: const std::array<char, 3> Palindrome::Special_characters; … int out_of_bounds = Palindrome::Special_characters.size(); std::cout << Palindrome::Special_characters[out_of_bounds] << '\n'; // Out of bounds (no control)... try { std::cout << << '\n'; // Out of bounds (control)... } catch (std::logic_error& le) { // Inheritance graph: 'std::exception' < 'std::logic_error' < 'std::out_of_range' std::cerr << typeid(le).name() << ", " << le.what() << ": " << out_of_bounds << '\n'; }
Generic functions
- C++ lets developers the possibility of creating functions outside classes (this contrasts with a pure OO style). One may in particular create generic functions.
template<typename T> void my_function(const T&); // Implementation occurs later... … char c; ::my_function(c); // Type inference avoids expanded form: '::my_function<char>(c);'
- For historical reasons, C++ offers a lot of predefined reusable and above all powerful generic functions. Their possible use occurs through
#include <algorithm>
and#include <numeric>
// Sorting: short tab[] = {13,7,6,4,12,11,8,3}; std::vector<short> vector(tab,tab + 8); for(int i = 0;i < vector.size();i++) std::cout << "-" << vector[i]; std::cout << std::endl; std::sort(vector.begin(),vector.end()); // #include <algorithm> for(int i = 0;i < vector.size();i++) std::cout << "-" << vector[i]; std::cout << std::endl; // Σ: std::cout << std::accumulate(vector.begin(),vector.end(),0) << std::endl; // #include <numeric>
Mixing inheritance and generics
- The mixing of inheritance and generics in C++ stumbles over natural (expected) contravariance problems.
// '.h' file: template <typename T> class Garden { private: // 'T' (as second anonymous type) acts as a functor (definition of 'operator()' required in 'T'): std::unordered_set <T, T> _garden; public: Garden(const T&); }; template <typename T> Garden<T>::Garden(const T& t) { _garden.insert(t); } class Vegetable { … }; class Cabbage : public Vegetable { … }; // '.cpp' file: Cabbage cabbage; Garden<Cabbage> garden(cabbage); // There is a risk to add carrots for instance, while 'another_garden' refers to a garden of cabbages only: // Garden<Vegetable>& another_garden = garden; // This *DOES NOT* work (contravariance)... Garden<Cabbage*> garden_(&cabbage); // There is a risk to add carrots for instance, while 'another_garden' refers to a garden of cabbages only: // Garden<Vegetable*>& another_garden_ = garden_; // This *DOES NOT* work (contravariance)...
See also
Advanced features
Generic member function
- As of Java, C++11 supports template member functions whose anonymous type(s) are totally independent of those of its enclosing class. Besides, the latter is not necessarily generic.
class Any { public: template<typename Anonymous> void operator()(Anonymous&); };
- Specialization amounts to substituting anonymous types by effective types along with, a priori, an altered behavior.
// '.h' file: template<typename T> void my_function(T& t = std::declval<T>()) {T other = t;}; // Explicit specialization ('T' = 'int') -> *no default value for argument is permitted*: template<> void my_function(int& t) {int* other = &t;}; // Instantiation (declaration only since body presence means specialization!): template void my_function(char& t); // '.cpp' file: // (Incidental?) overload: void my_function(char& c) {std::cout << "'char& c' ver.: " << c << std::endl;}; … // ::my_function(); // Compilation error: 'candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'' char BEL = '\a'; ::my_function(BEL); // Existing overload preemption... ::my_function<char>(BEL); // Explicit instantiation ('T' = 'char') std::string a = "a"; // Or '::my_function<std::string>(a);': ::my_function(a); // Implicit instantiation ('T' = 'std::string')
Template class specialization
- Specialization of a template class also amounts to substituting anonymous types by effective types along with inheriting from something, having additional (member) attributes and/or functions, etc.
// '.h' file: template<typename X> class Is_void : public std::false_type {}; // Base template // Specialization ('X' anonymous type is substituted for 'void' effective type): template</* Empty here! */> class Is_void<void> : public std::true_type {}; // '.cpp' file: std::cout << Is_void<char>::value << '\n'; // '0' meaning 'false' ('value' is a static field of both 'std::false_type' and 'std::true_type') // Implicit instantiation of specialization: std::cout << Is_void<void>::value << '\n'; // '1' meaning 'true'
Alias template
- From C++11 there is another way of dealing with
template<typename X> using POINTER = X*; // Family of pointers of any type... template <typename T> void my_function(T t, POINTER<T> pt) { /* … */ }
// '.h' file: template<typename E> using Heap_representation_size_type = typename E::size_type; template<typename T, int default_capacity = 10, typename Default_representation = std::vector<T> > class Priority_queue { … public: Heap_representation_size_type<Default_representation> count() const { return _representation.size(); } … }; // '.cpp' file: Priority_queue<Task, 100, std::deque<Task> > priority_queue; Task t1(1), t2(2), t3(3); priority_queue.insert(t1); priority_queue.insert(t2); priority_queue.insert(t3); Heap_representation_size_type<std::deque<Task> > count = priority_queue.count();
Variable template (C++14)
- Variables being non-member or member of classes may be made generic on their own.
// 'constexpr' is for access at compilation time: template<typename Number> /* constexpr */ Number Mid = std::numeric_limits<Number>::max() - std::numeric_limits<Number>::min() / static_cast<Number> (2); template<typename My_anonymous> class My_class { public: // Declaration: template<class Number> static const Number Three_key_positive_values; static const My_anonymous My_class_property; // Non-template }; // Definition: template<typename My_anonymous> template<typename Number> const Number My_class<My_anonymous>::Three_key_positive_values = {std::numeric_limits<Number>::min(), Mid<Number>, std::numeric_limits<Number>::max()}; template<typename My_anonymous> const My_anonymous My_class<My_anonymous>::My_class_property = My_anonymous();
Trailing return type
- Generics benefit from the concomitant use of the
operator. In template functions especially, the principle of “trailing return type” is the fact the function's returned type depends upon parameter(s)' type(s).Example
// This requires the explicit introduction of 'Result' at instantiation time: template<typename T, typename Result> Result multiply(T t1, T t2) { return t1 * t2; } // Compiler fails because 't1' and 't2' are undefined (left-to-right parsing): // template<typename T> decltype(t1 * t2) multiply(T t1, T t2) { // decltype(t1 * t2) t = t1 * t2; // This works here only... // return t; //} // Trailing return type thanks to 'auto': template<typename T> /* [] */ auto multiply(T t1, T t2) -> decltype(t1 * t2) { return t1 * t2; }
- Standard Template Library -STL- is for many years fully part of C++ while it initially was an external library. STL is mainly constituted of “container” classes, i.e., “collections”, but it also includes generic algorithms that may be found in
and in<numeric>
.Generic algorithms
- Etc.
Generic algorithms in practice
E ⊂ F ⇔ E ⊆ F ∧ E ≠ F
. This leads to:strict_subset? (i.e., ⊂): My_set x My_set -> Boolean with s1, s2: My_set, strict_subset?(s1,s2) = subset?(s1,s2) ∧ ∼equals?(s1,s2)
E - F = {t ∈ E ∧ t ∉ F}
. This leads to:difference: My_set x My_set -> My_set with s1, s2: My_set, ti: T, difference(s1,s2) = [remove(union(s1,s2),ti)]belongs?(ti,s2)
template <typename T> class My_set : public std::set<T> { // Inheritance public: bool strict_subset(const My_set<T>&); My_set<T> operator -(const My_set<T>&); }; template<typename T> bool My_set<T>::strict_subset(const My_set<T>& s) { My_set<T> intersection; std::set_intersection(this->begin(),this->end(),s.begin(),s.end(),std::inserter(intersection,intersection.end())); return intersection == *this && intersection != s; } template<typename T> My_set<T> My_set<T>::operator -(const My_set<T>& s) { My_set<T> difference; std::set_difference(this->begin(),this->end(),s.begin(),s.end(),std::inserter(difference,difference.end())); return difference; }
- C++ sequences offer key facilities over native arrays. Typically, the
class owns thepush_back
function, which automatically expands the capacity of arrays while native arrays have to be manually reallocated by means of thedelete[]
C++ operators.Example
// '.h' file: class Prisoner { … std::list<const Criminal_case*> _all_criminal_cases; … // '.cpp' file: // Adding at the end: void Prisoner::involve(const Criminal_case& criminal_case) { _all_criminal_cases.push_back(&criminal_case); } // First alternative, adding at the beginning: void Prisoner::involve(const Criminal_case& criminal_case) { _all_criminal_cases.push_front(&criminal_case); } // Getting the last one: const Criminal_case* Prisoner::last() const { return _all_criminal_cases.empty() ? NULL : _all_criminal_cases.back(); }
C++ sequences
std::array<T,N> // '#include <array>'
std::deque<T,Alloc> // '#include <deque>'
std::queue<T,Container> // '#include <queue>'
std::stack<T,Container> // '#include <stack>'
std::vector<T,Alloc> // '#include <vector>'
- Etc.
Example (
)std::deque<char> my_deque; my_deque.push_back('O'); my_deque.push_back('K'); my_deque.push_front('K'); my_deque.pop_back(); for (auto c : my_deque) // 'KO' is displayed std::cout << c; std::cout << std::endl; std::queue<char, std::list<char> > my_queue; // List as backbone... my_queue.push('K'); my_queue.push('O'); my_queue.push('K'); my_queue.pop(); for (auto c : my_deque) // 'KO' is displayed std::cout << c; std::cout << std::endl;
- C++ sets are accessible via the
#include <set>
or#include <unordered_set>
- Former C++ sets in STL by default use the
class as duplicate discriminator. Beyond, insertions maintain an order based on this discriminator.Example
std::set<char> alphabet; // This is equivalent to: 'std::set<char,std::less<char> > alphabet;' alphabet.insert('a'); alphabet.insert('a'); // Without effect because 'a' < 'a' is 'false' assert(alphabet.size() == 1);
Alternative (this requires the redefinition of the
operator in theTask
class)std::set<Task,std::greater<Task> > scheduler;
Creating sets from native arrays and searching in sets
short tab[] = {3,4,6,7,8,11,12,13}; std::set<short> set(tab,tab + 8); assert(std::binary_search(set.begin(),set.end(),13)); // '#include <algorithm>' assert(! std::binary_search(set.begin(),set.end(),14)); // '#include <algorithm>'
- Latter C++ sets in STL do not maintain any order and rely on a “true” hash method for object storage in sets.
Memory management principle
A reserved memory area offers storage positions and related indices. For a to-be-stored object, a position is computed through a hash method. Position matches to an index in the memory area (modulo memory area capacity). Conflict resolution (i.e.,
position(o1) == position(o2)
) leads to two scenarios:
- if
o1 == o2
then erasure, i.e.,o2
in the memory area (o2
is inserted aftero1
).- if
o1 != o2
then some strategies of conflict resolution sketched in figure allow the storage of botho2
at the “same” position (a.k.a. “bucket”: typicallystd::list
in C++). As a result, usingstd::unordered_set
involves, beyond a hash method, the definition of==
operator in order to computeo1 == o2
Formally, efficiency (insertion, search…) relies on position computation efficiency. Complexity is
- constant, evenO(n)
- linear in the worst case.Example
// '.h' file: template <typename T> class Garden { private: // 'T' (as second anonymous type) acts as a functor (definition of 'operator()' required in 'T'): std::unordered_set <T, T> _garden; public: Garden(const T&); }; template <typename T> Garden<T>::Garden(const T& t) { _garden.insert(t); } class Vegetable { // Abstract class, 'operator==' is defined in subclasses... public: std::size_t operator()(const Vegetable& vegetable) const { // Hash on several fields uses '^': std::hash<std::bitset<sizeof (Vegetable*)> > hash; return hash(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (&vegetable)); // Storage relies on memory address! } … }; class Cabbage : public Vegetable { … }; // 'operator==' is defined here... // '.cpp' file: Garden<Cabbage> garden(cabbage{});
C++ allows a fine-grain control of the way the memory area is initially reserved (capacity at construction time) and intended to be used (load factor). Any ill-formed memory area may lead to many conflict resolutions, which themselves lead to space and time overheads. Real-time re-organization of the underlying memory area is possible (but in essence shaky) through specific member functions:
, etc.
- Maps are also named “associative containers”, “dictionaries”, or “hash tables” in the sense that data inside maps are pairs of keys and values. Keys are by construction organized as a set.
- C++ maps are accessible via the
#include <map>
macro-statement for common maps including multi-maps. Multi-maps allow multiple values for the same key.- From C++11, unordered maps and unordered multi-maps have been introduced (
#include <unordered_map>
).Why maps?
Examples (how to represent the
5x2 - 3x + 8
polynomial without maps?)double polynomial[] = {8.,-3.,5.} // First possibility… -> bad idea
std::list<std::pair<int,double> > polynomial; // Second possibility… -> fairly bad idea
Example (how to represent the
8x39 - 12x10
polynomial with maps?)std::map<int,double> polynomial; polynomial[39] = 8.; polynomial[10] = -12.;
Ordered maps
- There is not “true” position computation. By default, as ordered sets,
is used to get storage indices from keys.- C++ (default) conflict management:
!(k1 < k2) && !(k2 < k1)
are “the same key”. Namely, for string objects as keys (shown in example below):!(s1 < s2) && !(s2 < s1)
are “the same key”. String objects are compared and therefore stored usingstd::less<std::string>
.Example (unshared key)
// Equivalent to 'std::map<std::string,std::string,std::less<std::string> > given_names__dictionary;': std::map<std::string,std::string> given_names__dictionary; std::string s1 = "Franck";
std::string s2 = "Franck";
given_names__dictionary[s1] = "English origin given name"; // This value is going to be lost... given_names__dictionary[s2] = "German origin given name"); assert(given_names__dictionary.size() == 1);Example (shared key, i.e., multi-maps)
std::multimap<std::string,std::string> given_names__dictionary; std::string s1 = "Franck"; std::string s2 = "Franck"; given_names__dictionary[s1] = "English origin given name"; // This value is *NOT* going to be lost... given_names__dictionary[s2] = "German origin given name"); assert(given_names__dictionary.size() == 2);
Implement Horner's method here…, which is an efficient mechanism to evaluate a polynomial for a
variable. Horner's method principle is the factorization ofx
so that prior iteration result is multiplied byx
. Related coefficient ofx
is added during iteration.#ifndef _Horner_h #define _Horner_h #include <initializer_list> #include <map> #include <string> class Polynomial { private: std::map<unsigned, double> _representation; public: Polynomial(const std::initializer_list<std::map<unsigned, double>::value_type>&); double horner_method(const double) const; double simple_method(const double) const; std::string toString() const; }; #endif
Horner's method singles out an order of monomials from higher to lower powers of
. Difficulty resides in powers ofx
that are absent.
- Copy/paste and test program
- Next, complete line 20 with appropriate code
#include <cmath> #include <initializer_list> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include "Horner.h" Polynomial::Polynomial(const std::initializer_list<std::map<unsigned, double>::value_type>& monomials) { for (std::map<unsigned, double>::value_type monomial : monomials) // "Range-based 'for'" _representation.insert(monomial); } double Polynomial::horner_method(const double x) const { double result = 0; // Existing (descending) order of powers of 'x': // for (std::map<unsigned, double>::const_reverse_iterator i = _representation.rbegin(); i != _representation.rend(); i++) std::cout << (*i).first << " - "; return result; } double Polynomial::simple_method(const double x) const { double result = 0; for (auto& [key, value] : _representation) result += value * ::pow(x, (double)key); return result; } std::string Polynomial::toString() const { std::string result; for (auto& [key, value] : _representation) result += std::to_string(value) + " * x^^" + std::to_string(key) + " + "; return result.substr(0, result.size() - 3); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Polynomial p({ {4U,3.},{2U,2.},{0U,1.} }); std::cout << p.toString() << std::endl; std::cout << "Horner method(2.): " << p.horner_method(2.) << std::endl << std::endl;; return 0; }
Unordered maps
- Unordered maps allow quicker insertion since no order is kept. Search relies on a “true” hash method (i.e., position computation) instead of keys' order in common maps. As a result, performance differences exist between ordered and unordered maps; they are described here…
- C++ provides predefined hash functions for primitive types like
for instance, built-in types as well, notablystd::string
. Hash functions rely on complex mathematics/statistics and, a priori, are compiler-dependent.Example (unordered map)
#ifndef _POLYNOMIAL_H #define _POLYNOMIAL_H #include <cstddef> // 'std::size_t' #include <unordered_map> class Polynomial { private: std::unordered_map<int, double> _representation; public: Polynomial(const std::initializer_list<std::unordered_map<int, double>::value_type>&); const Polynomial& operator=(const Polynomial&); // No value, for illustration only, make underlying default hash function (keys are powers of 'x', i.e., integers) explicit: std::size_t hashCode(const std::unordered_map<int, double>::key_type&) const; // Java style! }; #endif /* _POLYNOMIAL_H */
#include <algorithm> // 'std::copy'... #include <iostream> #include <iterator> // 'std::inserter'... #include "Polynomial.h" Polynomial::Polynomial(const std::initializer_list<std::unordered_map<int, double>::value_type>& members) { _representation.insert(members); // for (std::unordered_map<int, double>::value_type member : members) _representation.insert(member); } const Polynomial& Polynomial::operator=(const Polynomial& p) { if (this != &p) { _representation.clear(); std::copy(p._representation.begin(), p._representation.end(), std::inserter(_representation, _representation.begin())); } return *this; } std::size_t Polynomial::hashCode(const std::unordered_map<int, double>::key_type& key) const { // Get default hash function: std::unordered_map<int, double>::hasher hash = _representation.hash_function(); return hash(key); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Polynomial p{ {39, 8.},{10, -12.} }, q{ {1, 1.} }; q = p; std::cout << "Hash of '39': " << p.hashCode(39) << std::endl; std::cout << "Hash of '10': " << p.hashCode(10) << std::endl; return 0; }
- C++ predefined (reusable) hash functions strictly respect the following formal rule:
o1 == o2 ⇒ hash(o1) == hash(o2)
, i.e.,hash(o1) != hash(o2) ⇒ o1 != o2
.- Note that
o1 != o2 ⇒ hash(o1) != hash(o2)
is “highly expected”, but non mandatory, to, as much as possible, avoid conflicts.- Tailor-made hash functions may be introduced with great care as done in exercise below. Special attention should be paid to prior formal rule.
EAN-13 here is a European 13-digit format (bar code) for products. The following C++ program puts forward a notion of product database (
class). Each product database records products based on a unordered map (_representation
attribute) whose keys areEAN_13
objects and values are images.The C++ program reuses the hash function (within the
class) of thestd::string_view
type from C++17. Note that the==
operator inEAN_13
is contextually defined in strict relation with the way, the hash function operates in_EAN_13_key
.#ifndef _EAN_13_h #define _EAN_13_h #include <array> // 'std::to_array' from C++20 ( #include <bitset> #include <initializer_list> #include <stdexcept> #include <string_view> // 'std::hash' for string view objects... #include <unordered_map> class EAN_13 { // 'EAN_13' objects act as keys in unordered maps... private: // (warning: 'std::array 'size is defined at compilation time!) std::array<char, 13> _representation{}; // '{}' => The 13 digits are set to '\0' character... public: EAN_13(const std::initializer_list<char>&); // Key computation (hash) requires contextual definition of '==' operator: bool operator==(const EAN_13&) const; std::string_view toString() const; // 'std::string_view' from C++17 ( }; class _EAN_13_key { public: // Key computation (hash) requires contextual definition of '()' operator: std::size_t operator()(const EAN_13&) const noexcept; }; class EAN_13_database { private: // Third parameter is the hash function: std::unordered_map<EAN_13, std::bitset<4096>, _EAN_13_key> _representation; // As an illustration, values may be images of 16x16 grayed pixels without alpha... public: EAN_13_database(const std::initializer_list<EAN_13>&); inline std::size_t size() const { return _representation.size(); } }; #endif
The C++ program reuses the hash function of the
type from C++17, but analysis shows that the call totoString
(line 30, below) at each key computation can be considered as non-optimal.Copy/paste and test program. Next, address possible sub-optimality (tip: explore
instance function here… ofstd::string_view
type).#include <cassert> #include <cstring> // '::strncpy' #include <iostream> #include "EAN_13.h" // 'std::array' has no constructor; '_representation(digits)' won't work... EAN_13::EAN_13(const std::initializer_list<char>& digits) /*: _representation(digits)*/ { std::array<char, 13>::iterator j = _representation.begin(); for (std::initializer_list<char>::const_iterator i = digits.begin(); !(i == digits.end()); i++, j++) *j = *i; } bool EAN_13::operator==(const EAN_13& product) const { return _representation == product._representation; // 'std::array' supports '==' ( } std::string_view EAN_13::toString() const { const char* data = this->; // Primitive underlying array *WITHOUT* '\0'! /** Back to middle age */ char buffer[13 + 1]; buffer[13] = '\0'; ::strncpy(buffer, data, 13); /** End of "back to middle age" */ std::string_view sv(buffer); // 'std::string_view' avoids copy here... return sv; } std::size_t _EAN_13_key::operator()(const EAN_13& product) const noexcept { // Robustness invites us to reuse key computation based on string view objects: return std::hash<std::string_view>{}(product.toString()); } EAN_13_database::EAN_13_database(const std::initializer_list<EAN_13>& products) { for (EAN_13 product : products) _representation[product] = std::bitset<4096>{}; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // 471-9-5120-0288-9 EAN_13 product{ {'4','7','1','9','5','1','2','0','0','2','8','8','9'} }; // std::cout << "EAN-13 product: " << product.toString() << std::endl; EAN_13 product_{ {'4','7','1','9','5','1','2','0','0','2','8','8','9'} }; // Same data in memory... EAN_13_database database({ product,product_ }); assert(database.size() == 1); return 0; }
std::list<const Task*> l; assert(l.empty()); l.push_front(&t1); // t1 l.push_front(&t2); // t2 t1 l.push_front(&t3); // t3 t2 t1 l.push_front(&t4); // t4 t3 t2 t1 l.insert(l.begin(), &t5); // t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 l.push_back(&t1); // t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 t1 assert(l.size() == 6); std::list<const Task*>::iterator j; for (j = l.begin(); !(j == l.end()); j++) std::cout << "- " << (*j)->start() << '\t'; std::list<const Task*>::iterator where_is_t2 = std::find(l.begin(), l.end(), &t2); std::cout << "Task 't2': " << (*where_is_t2)->start() << std::endl; std::reverse(l.rbegin(), l.rend()); // t1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 for (j = l.begin(); !(j == l.end()); j++) std::cout << "- " << (*j)->start() << '\t'; std::list<const Task*>::reverse_iterator k; for (k = l.rbegin(); !(k == l.rend()); k++) std::cout << "- " << (*k)->start() << '\t'; l.sort(); // Pointers order: t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 t1 for (j = l.begin(); !(j == l.end()); j++) std::cout << "- " << (*j)->start() << '\t'; l.unique(); // t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 (remove only consecutive elements?) for (j = l.begin(); !(j == l.end()); j++) std::cout << "- " << (*j)->start() << '\t';
- C++11 comes with a simplified possibility of iterating on collections without the explicit introduction of “cursors” like iterators.
for (char c : my_string) { // 'my_string' has 'std::string' type…
- Range-based
loop may be used with C++17 binding as well.Example
std::unordered_multimap<std::string, std::string> oscars_2024_best_actress { {"Emma Stone", "Winner"}, {"Lily Gladstone", "Nominee"}, {"Annette Bening", "Nominee"}, {"Carey Mulligan", "Nominee"}, {"Sandra Hüller", "Nominee"}}; for (auto&& [name, status] : oscars_2024_best_actress) // Binding (C++17) std::cout << name << " as " << status << std::endl;
See also
Even though
is a native STL generic class, it does not aim ('_' sign just before “Rb_tree”) at being reused in a direct way. Instead, most STL collections have red-black tree data structures as backbones likestd::set<Key,Compare,Allocator>
.Rule(s) as invariants
- Root is black
- If a node is red then left and right sons are black; missing son means black
- Any path from a node to a leaf has the same number of black nodes (a.k.a. “tree's black height”); a red-black tree is then approximately balanced
Example (homemade red-black tree)
#ifndef _Red_black_tree #define _Red_black_tree #include <cstddef> // 'NULL' #include <list> using namespace std; template <typename T> class Red_black_tree { private: list<Red_black_tree<T>*> garbage_collector; T _content; Red_black_tree<T>* _left, * _right, * _super; enum { red, black } _color; void balance(Red_black_tree<T>*, const Red_black_tree<T>* const); void insert(const T&, const Red_black_tree<T>* const); void left_rotate(); void right_rotate(); public: Red_black_tree(const T&); ~Red_black_tree(); void insert(const T&); }; template <typename T> void Red_black_tree<T>::balance(Red_black_tree<T>* rbt, const Red_black_tree<T>* const root) { if (rbt->_super == root) { rbt->_color = black; return; } while (rbt->_super->_color == red) { if (rbt->_super == rbt->_super->_super->_left) { Red_black_tree* y = rbt->_super->_super->_right; if (y && y->_color == red) { rbt->_super->_color = black; y->_color = black; rbt->_super->_super->_color = red; rbt = rbt->_super->_super; } else { if (rbt == rbt->_super->_right) { rbt = rbt->_super; rbt->left_rotate(); } rbt->_super->_color = black; rbt->_super->_super->_color = red; rbt->_super->_super->right_rotate(); } } else { Red_black_tree* y = rbt->_super->_super->_left; if (y && y->_color == red) { rbt->_super->_color = black; y->_color = black; rbt->_super->_super->_color = red; rbt = rbt->_super->_super; } else { if (rbt == rbt->_super->_left) { rbt = rbt->_super; rbt->right_rotate(); } rbt->_super->_color = black; rbt->_super->_super->_color = red; rbt->_super->_super->left_rotate(); } } } } template <typename T> void Red_black_tree<T>::insert(const T& t, const Red_black_tree<T>* const root) { if (_content < t) { if (!_right) { _right = new Red_black_tree<T>(t); _right->_super = this; garbage_collector.push_back(_right); balance(_right, root); } else _right->insert(t, root); } else { if (!_left) { _left = new Red_black_tree<T>(t); _left->_super = this; garbage_collector.push_back(_left); balance(_left, root); } else _left->insert(t, root); } } template <typename T> void Red_black_tree<T>::left_rotate() { if (!_right) return; Red_black_tree<T>* temp = _right; if (_right->_left) _right->_left->_super = this; _right = _right->_left; temp->_left = this; Red_black_tree<T>* pseudo_root = this->_super; this->_super = temp; temp->_super = pseudo_root; if (pseudo_root->_left == this) pseudo_root->_left = temp; else pseudo_root->_right = temp; } template <typename T> void Red_black_tree<T>::right_rotate() { if (!_left) return; Red_black_tree<T>* temp = _left; if (_left->_right) _left->_right->_super = this; _left = _left->_right; temp->_right = this; Red_black_tree<T>* pseudo_root = this->_super; this->_super = temp; temp->_super = pseudo_root; if (pseudo_root->_left == this) pseudo_root->_left = temp; else pseudo_root->_right = temp; } template <typename T> Red_black_tree<T>::Red_black_tree(const T& t) : _content(t) { _left = _right = _super = NULL; _color = red; } template <typename T> Red_black_tree<T>::~Red_black_tree() { typename list<Red_black_tree<T>*>::iterator i; for (i = garbage_collector.begin(); i != garbage_collector.end(); i++) delete* i; } template <typename T> void Red_black_tree<T>::insert(const T& t) { if (_content < t) { if (!_right) { _right = new Red_black_tree<T>(t); _right->_super = this; garbage_collector.push_back(_right); balance(_right, this); } else _right->insert(t, this); } else { if (!_left) { _left = new Red_black_tree<T>(t); _left->_super = this; garbage_collector.push_back(_left); balance(_left, this); } else _left->insert(t, this); } _color = black; } #endif
- Complexity of insertion, search and suppression is
- logarithmic. These three public operations rely on three private operations (left-rotate, right-rotate and balance) to hold invariants.Example (insertion of
#include "Red_black_tree.h" int main() { Red_black_tree<int> rbt(8); rbt.insert(5); rbt.insert(4); rbt.insert(12); rbt.insert(3); rbt.insert(11); rbt.insert(9); rbt.insert(13); rbt.insert(10); return 0; }
There no direct graph and graph algorithm supports in C++ apart from reusing third-party (focused) libraries. However, the power of STL allows numerous and varied representations of graphs based on standard containers.
Example (directed graph based on
#ifndef _DIRECTED_GRAPH_h #define _DIRECTED_GRAPH_h #include <initializer_list> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> // 'std::pair' class Node { public: const std::string name; Node(const std::string&); bool operator==(const Node&) const; // Distinction is based on 'name'... }; class _Node_key { public: std::size_t operator()(const Node&) const noexcept; // Hash function based on 'name'... }; class Directed_graph { private: // Edges: A->B, A->D, B->C, B->E, D->E, E->C and possible C->D cycle std::unordered_multimap<const Node, const Node, _Node_key> _representation; // (A->(B,C),(B->(C,E)),(D->(E)),(E->(C)) and possible (C->(D)) cycle bool _cyclic_(const Node&, std::pair<std::list<std::pair<const Node, const Node> >::const_iterator, std::list<std::pair<const Node, const Node> >::const_iterator>&, const std::unordered_set<Node, _Node_key>&, int&) const; public: Directed_graph(const std::initializer_list<std::unordered_multimap<const Node, const Node, _Node_key>::value_type>&); bool acyclic_() const; inline std::size_t size() const { return _representation.size(); } }; #endif
#include <iostream> #include <ranges> // Unused... #include "Directed_graph.h" Node::Node(const std::string& name) : name(name) {} bool Node::operator==(const Node& node) const { return name ==; } std::size_t _Node_key::operator()(const Node& node) const noexcept { return std::hash<std::string>{}(; // Empty curly braces creates an object to instrument the call of '()' operator... } Directed_graph::Directed_graph(const std::initializer_list<std::unordered_multimap<const Node, const Node, _Node_key>::value_type>& edges) { for (auto& [edge_origin, edge_destination] : edges) { // C++17 structural bindings... auto range = _representation.equal_range(edge_origin); // All destinations from 'edge_origin'... auto addition = true; for (auto& i = range.first; addition && i != range.second; i++) if (edge_destination == (*i).second) addition = false; // Avoid 2 or several times, for instance, A->B if (addition) _representation.insert(std::make_pair(edge_origin, edge_destination)); // A->B, A->D, Etc. } } bool Directed_graph::_cyclic_(const Node& from, std::pair<std::list<std::pair<const Node, const Node> >::const_iterator, std::list<std::pair<const Node, const Node> >::const_iterator >& outgoing_edges, const std::unordered_set<Node, _Node_key>& edge_origins, int& cost) const { for (auto& i = outgoing_edges.first; i != outgoing_edges.second; i++) { // from = A *** outgoing_edges = {(A->B),(A->D} if (from == (*i).second) return true; // Loop like A->A // if (edge_origins.contains((*i).second)) { // C++20 only... if (edge_origins.find((*i).second) == edge_origins.end()) { // If B in 'edge_origins' then don't explore from A because A->B... auto outgoing_edges = _representation.equal_range((*i).second); cost++; if (_cyclic_(from, outgoing_edges, edge_origins, cost)) return true; // If at least one cycle found then graph isn't acyclic... } } return false; // No cycle found yet... } bool Directed_graph::acyclic_() const { // If edges have the same origin then get origin once: std::unordered_set<Node, _Node_key> edge_origins; for (auto& [edge_origin, edge_destination] : _representation) edge_origins.insert(edge_origin); // std::list<Node> edge_origins; // std::ranges::copy(std::views::keys(_representation), std::back_inserter(edge_origins)); // C++20 // Alternative with pipe syntax from C++20: // std::ranges::copy(_representation | std::views::keys, std::back_inserter(edge_origins)); // edge_origins.unique(); // Non-robust because only *CONSECUTIVE* duplicates are removed... int cost = 0; for (auto& edge_origin : edge_origins) { // Explore graph from nodes as edge origins... auto edge_destinations = _representation.equal_range(edge_origin); // e.g., values of A key -> (B,C) if (_cyclic_(edge_origin, edge_destinations, edge_origins, cost)) return false; // If at least one cycle found then graph isn't acyclic... } return cost != 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { const Node a("A"), b("B"), c("C"), d("D"), e("E"); Directed_graph directed_graph({ /*std::make_pair(a, a),*/std::make_pair(a, b),std::make_pair(a, b),std::make_pair(a, d), std::make_pair(b, c),std::make_pair(b,e), std::make_pair(d, e),std::make_pair(e, c),/*std::make_pair(c, d)*/ }); // std::cout << "'directed_graph.size()': " << directed_graph.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is 'directed_graph' acyclic? " << (directed_graph.acyclic_() ? "YES" : "NO") << std::endl; return 0; }
Exercise (implement the two following
member functions)// Tip: 'std::set_intersection' between keys and values... std::unordered_set<Node, _Node_key> leafs() const; // Nodes without any outgoing edge... std::unordered_set<Node, _Node_key> roots() const; // Node without any incoming edge...