interface Obsolete_currency { // « »
Currency Default_substitute = new Euro();
default Currency substitute() {
return Default_substitute;
default boolean still_active_() {
return false;
// C++ time management:
// or old style with 'std::time_t' in '#include <ctime>'):
java.time.LocalDate substitution_date();
abstract public class Currency {
protected final String _common_symbol; // $ <- USA dollar sample
protected final int _iso_code; // 840 <- USA dollar sample
protected final String _iso_symbol; // USD <- USA dollar sample
protected Currency(String common_symbol, int iso_code, String iso_symbol) {
_common_symbol = common_symbol;
_iso_code = iso_code;
_iso_symbol = iso_symbol;
// Resource-based programming: exchange rates have to viewed as external resources on the Web, i.e.,
// connection to Web services:
public double rate(Currency currency) {
return 1.D / currency.to_euro_rate();
abstract public double to_dollar_rate();
public double convert_to_dollar(final double amount) {
return amount * to_dollar_rate();
abstract public double to_euro_rate();
public double convert_to_euro(final double amount) {
return amount * to_euro_rate();
} // End of « »
public class Euro extends Currency { // « »
public Euro() {
super("€", 978, "EUR");
public double to_dollar_rate() {
return 1.D / 1.03D; // Oct. 17, 2022 exchange rate
public double to_euro_rate() {
return 1.D;
} // End of « »
public class Lats extends Currency implements Obsolete_currency { // « »
/** Letonia currency replaced by Euro January, 1st 2014 **/
private static final java.time.LocalDate _Substitution_date = java.time.LocalDate.of(2014, java.time.Month.JANUARY, 1);
public Lats() {
super("Ls", 428, "LVL");
public double to_dollar_rate() {
Currency substitute = substitute();
return rate(this) * substitute.to_dollar_rate();
public double to_euro_rate() {
return 1.D * 0.702804D; // Jan. 1, 2014 exchange rate
public java.time.LocalDate substitution_date() {
return _Substitution_date;
} // End of « »
public class Application { // « »
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Obsolete_currency lats = new Obsolete_currency() {
// public java.time.LocalDate substitution_date() {
// return java.time.LocalDate.of(2014, java.time.Month.JANUARY, 1);
// }
// };
Euro euro = (Euro) Lats.Default_substitute;
Lats lats = new Lats();
System.out.println("100" + euro._common_symbol + " -> " + lats.convert_to_euro(100) + lats._common_symbol);
System.out.println("100" + euro._common_symbol + " -> " + euro.convert_to_dollar(100) + "$");
System.out.println("100" + lats._common_symbol + " -> " + lats.convert_to_dollar(100) + "$");
} // End of « »