Module PauWareTwo

Interface Manageable_base

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStateMachine, StateMachine

public interface Manageable_base
This interface is a management utility, which can be implemented by a software component so that it can be accessed by means of Java Management eXtensions (JMX) in particular.

Compatibility: Java 9.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String async_current_state()
    This method returns the current state of a software component.
    java.lang.String current_state()
    This method returns the current (real-time) state of a software component.
    boolean in_state​(java.lang.String name)
    This method detects if a given state of a software component is active.
    java.lang.String name()
    This method returns the preferred name of a software component to be managed by a naming service.
    java.lang.String verbose()
    This method returns the last result of a run-to-completion cycle plus the current state of a software component.
  • Method Details

    • async_current_state

      java.lang.String async_current_state()
      This method returns the current state of a software component.

      Its typical implementation is as follows: return _my_state_machine.async_current_state(); where the type of the _my_state_machine field in the component is AbstractStateMachine. While current_state() computes the real-time state of _my_state_machine with a risk of unreliable result (if called when a run-to-completion cycle is in progress), this method is more reliable in the sense that it returns the recorded state in the very last run-to-completion cycle.

    • current_state

      java.lang.String current_state()
      This method returns the current (real-time) state of a software component.

      Its typical implementation is as follows: return _my_state_machine.current_state(); where the type of the _my_state_machine field in the component is AbstractStateMachine.

      See Also:
    • in_state

      boolean in_state​(java.lang.String name)
      This method detects if a given state of a software component is active.

      Its typical implementation is as follows: return _my_state_machine.in_state("A state"); where the type of the _my_state_machine field in the component is AbstractStateMachine.

      name -
    • name

      java.lang.String name()
      This method returns the preferred name of a software component to be managed by a naming service.

      Its typical implementation is as follows: return; where the type of the _my_state_machine field in the component is AbstractStateMachine.

    • verbose

      java.lang.String verbose()
      This method returns the last result of a run-to-completion cycle plus the current state of a software component.

      Its typical implementation is as follows: return _my_state_machine.verbose(); where the type of the _my_state_machine field in the component is AbstractStateMachine.
