TypeScript has a limited support for Exception Handling because catching exceptions in JavaScript is, compared to some kinds of exceptions in Java, optional.
- JavaScript Exception Handling is close to Java syntax and principles.
Example Temperature.js.zip
function Invalid_temperature_exception(value) { this._message = "Invalid temperature"; this._value = value; } … throw new Invalid_temperature_exception(this._value); … try { const t1 = new Temperature(-1, Temperature_unit.Kelvin); } catch (ite) { window.alert(ite._message + ": physics' laws prevent -1°K..."); } finally { window.alert("'finally' as in Java..."); }
- In TypeScript, one cannot express function signatures with potential exceptions and associated mandatory management apart from using the
type.Example (user-defined exception type) Temperature.ts.zip
class Invalid_temperature_exception extends Error { // Inheriting from JavaScript root type for exceptions... constructor(private readonly _value, ...params) { // Pass remaining arguments to parent constructor: super(...params) } // 'message' is an attribute inside 'Error' and thus cannot be overridden as a method here: public getMessage(): string { return this.constructor.name + ": " + this._value; } }
Example (throwing) Temperature.ts.zip
public decrement(): never | void { // 'Temperature' instance method... this._value -= this._step; if (this._value < Temperature.Min) { throw new Invalid_temperature_exception(this._value); } console.assert(this._value >= Temperature.Min); }
Example (catching) Temperature.ts.zip
const t__ = new Temperature(0., Temperature_unit.Kelvin); // try { // t__.decrement(); // } catch (ite: any) { // Eventually, no type checking... // window.confirm(ite.getMessage()); // } try { t__.decrement(); } catch (ite: unknown) { // Signature is from TypeScript 4.x only! window.confirm((ite as Invalid_temperature_exception).getMessage()); // Cast is imposed by 'unknown'... }