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class Universite<E extends Etudiant> { private readonly _etudiants: Set<E> = new Set(); private _add(e: E): void { for (const e_ of this._etudiants) { // if (e_ instanceof Etudiant_etranger && // e instanceof Etudiant_etranger && e_.id_pays_origine === e.id_pays_origine) return; // Q6 if (e_.n_INSEE === e.n_INSEE) return; // if (e_.n_etudiant === e.n_etudiant) return; // Q5 } this._etudiants.add(e); } public constructor(...etudiants: Array<E>) { for (const e of etudiants) { this._add(e); } // console.log(this._etudiants.size); // Test... } } class Personne { /* ... */ } class Etudiant extends Personne { public constructor(private readonly _n_etudiant: string, private readonly _n_INSEE: string) { // Q1 } get n_etudiant(): string { return this._n_etudiant; } get n_INSEE(): string { return this._n_INSEE; } public static Main(): void { const XX: Etudiant = new Etudiant("1", "2000164444555"); const XY: Etudiant = new Etudiant("2", "1010264222333"); const XZ: Etudiant = new Etudiant_etranger("3", "", "CODE PAYS ORIGINE"); const XW: Etudiant_etranger = new Etudiant_etranger("4", "", "AUTRE CODE PAYS ORIGINE"); const mon_universite: Universite<Etudiant> = new Universite(XX, XY, XZ, XW); } } class Etudiant_etranger extends Etudiant { // Identifiant propre au pays car n°INSEE n'existe probablement pas : constructor(n_etudiant: string, n_INSEE: string, private readonly _id_pays_origine: string) { // Q2 } get id_pays_origine(): string { return this._id_pays_origine; } } Etudiant.Main();