La préhistoire : Structured Analysis and Design Technique -SADT-, Yourdon's structured method, Information Engineering -IE-, Axial, Merise, GRAI…
Années 80 : apparition et prise de leadership des « langages orientés objet » (C++…) imposant les « méthodes orientées objet » : Object Modeling Technique -OMT-, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design -OOAD-, Objectory (a.k.a. Object Oriented Software Engineering -OOSE-) et beaucoup d'autres (ROOM, OOSA, OOA/OOD, Syntropy, Specification and Description Language -SDL-…)
Le passé récent : Unified Method 0.8 (Booch + Rumbaugh), UML 0.9 and 1.0 (+ Jacobson), UML 1.1 (OMG, 1997), UML 2.0 (2003) -Structure, Behavior, Object Constraint Language -OCL- 2.0, XML Model Interchange -XMI-, UML 2.1.1 (Feb. 2007) et finalement UML 2.5.1 (Dec. 2017 -PDF-)
Le présent : BPMN, SysML (ingénierie « système »), ArchiMate (“Enterprise Architecture Modeling”) et toujours UML
L'exigence : modélisation avec agilité
, Attribute
, Operation
, Actor
, Collaboration
, Activity
)*Nebraska-Lincoln university report
**State Machine Diagram in UML 2.x
*Annotation on element with built-in stereotypes («class»
, «interface»
, «instanceOf»
, «enumeration»
or possibility of defining new ones
and {unordered}
are default constraints
on association ends; {nonunique}
and {ordered}
are counterparts when default constraints do not apply
(≡ 1..1
(≡ *
constraint on UML Association**OCL
context Company inv: employee->includesAll(manager)
constraint on UML Association**OCL
context Criminal case inv: witness->intersection(accused individual)->isEmpty()
context Juridiction inv: -- this constraint is redundant with the qualifier
affaire[n_affaire]->size() <= 1
context Affaire inv: id.
context Family inv: self.wealth = self.member.wealth
Straight line
class,y = a * x + b
Straight line
context Segment inv:
1st end.x = 2nd end.x implies 1st end.y <> 2nd end.y
context Segment inv: A1
straight line = Straight line.allInstances()->select(sl | sl.a = (2nd end.y – 1st end.y) /
(2nd end.x – 1st end.x) and sl.b = 2nd end.y - sl.a * 2nd end.x)
context Segment crossing inv: A2
segment = Segment.allInstances()->select(s | location.y =
s.straight line.a * location.x + s.straight line.b)
context Point inv: A3
straight line = Straight line.allInstances()->select(sl | y = sl.a * x + sl.b)
context Segment crossing inv:
segment.straight line.point->includes(location)
Alternatives to default: {complete, disjoint}
, {disjoint}
and {complete}
constraint on UML Association*«ownedBehavior»
, do
, exit
, internal transitionin
operator)*See also ☛ for execution
, opt
, par
, seq
, break
, critical
, neg
& strict